Mar 29, 2019
Pulmonary hypertension patient, Stacey Barta discusses how she refused to give up on being a preschool teacher after being put on disability following her diagnosis and why early diagnosis and PH awareness is critical for medical professionals.
My name is Stacey Barta, and I'm a pulmonary hypertension patient.
In 2004,...
Mar 28, 2019
Pulmonary hypertension patient, Stacey Barta discusses how she refused to give up on being a preschool teacher after being put on disability following her diagnosis and why early diagnosis and PH awareness is critical for medical professionals.
Learn more about pulmonary hypertension trials at
Mar 26, 2019
Pulmonary hypertension patient Sarah Brackett discusses her devastating road to diagnosis, busting CTEPH through surgery and the importance of educating medical professions in rural areas to raise rare disease awareness.
My name is Sarah Brackett. I live in Manassas, Virginia. In my life, as far back as 1985, I've had...
Mar 25, 2019
In this episode, pulmonary hypertension patient Sarah Brackett discusses her devastating road to diagnosis, busting CTEPH through surgery and the importance of educating medical professions in rural areas to raise rare disease awareness.
Learn more about pulmonary hypertension trials at
Mar 22, 2019
Pulmonary hypertension patient Joellen Brown discusses being born with a hole in her heart in 1956 that developed into a PH diagnosis in 2009 and the importance of support groups and PH research.
My name is Joellen Brown, and I am a pulmonary hypertension patient.
I am from Columbus, Ohio. I was diagnosed with PH 2009,...