Apr 25, 2023
Roberta Keller, MD is a neonatologist, an expert in caring for
critically ill newborns, and a member of the multidisciplinary
pediatric pulmonary hypertension team from UCSF’s Benioff
Children’s Hospital. I
n this episode, Dr. Keller discusses the broadening scope of
children with PH and how clinical treatment...
Apr 24, 2023
Roberta Keller, MD is a neonatologist, an expert in caring for
critically ill newborns, and a member of the multidisciplinary
pediatric pulmonary hypertension team from UCSF’s Benioff
Children’s Hospital.
In this episode, Dr. Keller discusses the broadening scope of
children with PH and how clinical treatment...
Apr 18, 2023
Dr. Steven Abman is Professor of Pediatrics-Pulmonary Medicine and Director of the Pediatric Heart Lung Center (PHLC) at the University of Colorado Denver Anschutz School of Medicine and Children’s Hospital Colorado.
In this episode, Dr. Abman gives an overview of The Pediatric Pulmonary Hypertension Network (
Apr 17, 2023
Dr. Steven Abman is Professor of Pediatrics-Pulmonary Medicine and Director of the Pediatric Heart Lung Center (PHLC) at the University of Colorado Denver Anschutz School of Medicine and Children’s Hospital Colorado.
In this episode, Dr. Abman gives an overview of The Pediatric Pulmonary Hypertension Network (
Apr 11, 2023
Pediatric PH Caregiver Shannin Strom discusses navigating her daughter Zoe's pulmonary hypertension disease and the importance of IEPs (both medically and educationally) in Zoe's academic career.
My name is Shannin Strom. I am the mother of a 14 year old amazing daughter that has pulmonary hypertension. We live on an...